Virtual Penetration Testing (vPentest) — The What and Why

The What:

Virtual Penetration Testing – better known as vPenTesting – is a service we offer at SSI that we believe  is critical  to your cyber security playbook. In short, the vPentest acts like a hacker trying to get to your company’s critical data. With our equipment and expertise, we are able to simulate a broad variety of cyber attacks to highlight any security gaps that may exist in your systems. Armed with this information, we are able to generate a report highlighting these gaps and provide the way to strengthen the entire system. Not only does vPenTesting highlight the gaps, but it can also show us where your systems are correctly setup and where the defensive measures you’ve already taken are working. Below are some examples of what information you may receive after a vPentest:

Overview of all assessment findings

Historical vPentest Comparison to see how you Improve

The Why:

We live in an age where technology develops at a lightning fast pace. As fast as new security measures are developed, those with other intentions are developing their sinister tools. In the era of data and technology having strong cyber security can quite literally be the difference between success or bankruptcy. We have also noticed that many Insurance companies are starting to require security audits for coverage due to the increased likeli-hood of cyber attacks.  We offer bi-annual vPenTesting to ensure that all our clients’ sensitive data remains secure and protected.

Rates and Scheduling:

  • Annual (once per year) – $599-899/per test
  • Biannual (twice per year, 6 months apart) – $399per/test

To Schedule: Please reach out to where one of our teammembers would be happy to assist.